The effect of controlled irrigation on the yield and some plant parameters of table grapes from central Romania


  • Andrei Tanase National Research and Development Institute for Biotechnology in Horticulture Stefanesti Author
  • Dorin Sumedrea National Research and Development Institute for Biotechnology in Horticulture Stefanesti Author
  • Alina Florea National Research and Development Institute for Biotechnology in Horticulture Stefanesti Author
  • Daniel Din National Research and Development Institute for Biotechnology in Horticulture Stefanesti Author
  • Adrian Asănică University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest Author


regulated deficit irrigation, Vitis vinifera, soil moisture, water productivity, yield component


In order to obtain high and constant crop yields, irrigation has become essential in the context of climate change. The objectives of this study were to investigate Vitis vinifera L. Grapevine Augusta, Argessis, and Victoria cvs. responses to the irrigation treatments applied to a young crop, in the climatic conditions of central Romania: full irrigation (100% Etc), non-irrigated treatment (NI) and deficient irrigation (DI) replacing only 50% of the estimated evapotranspiration. The agronomic behavior of the three varieties of table grapes cultivated in a super-intensive system was analyzed and the calculation of the efficiency of deficit irrigation in relation to the particularities of the main quantitative and qualitative indicators, in the climatic conditions. from central Romania. Significant differences of the year of the study and the interaction of the irrigation treatment on the weight of the bunch and the weight of the grains were highlighted, which induced and increased the production, the effect of the irrigation regime on these parameters was found to be different depending on the season Production increased in the case of complete irrigation as well as in deficit irrigation by 0.4 kg in 2021, respectively by 0.6 kg in 2022, for the Argessis cv. compared to the production recorded in NI. Irrigation at 50% ETc increased the intrinsic effective value of total water use (IWUE). This varied from 11.86 kg m-3, which was evident in the case of the non-irrigated version, to 24.8 kg m-3, which was recorded in the case of deficient irrigation (50% Etc). The applied irrigation treatments can represent an easy irrigation management tool for the basis of adequate soil water deficits, allowing the determination of the water requirement of the vines in the southern area of ​​Romania


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