Generative propagation in Geraniums in relation to different growth substrates
ornamental plant, growth substrate, generative propagation, hydroponic system, modelsAbstract
The study analyzed the generative propagation of geraniums in different substrate conditions. The biological material was represented by Pelargonium × zonale ”Orbit Rot” F1. Four types of growth substrate were used: clay balls (V1), perlite (V2), soil (V3) and hydroponic system (V4). A favorable effect in the germination process was recorded for the V2 variant. The height of the plants registered a differentiated evolution during the study period, March 16 - May 25, 2023. Variant V4 favorably influenced plant height (PH) during the study period, March 16 – May 25, 2023, PH = 31.5 cm. V2 (14.13 cm) and V3 (13.91 cm) variants followed with close values. High values for the number of leaves parameter (LN) were recorded for the V4 variant, also correlated with plant height. Close values for LN were recorded in the case of the other variants. Parameters at the root level (number of roots - RN, length of roots - RL) also showed a certain variation in relation to the experimental variants. High values for the length of the roots were recorded for the V4 variant, followed by V2.
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